Intrinsic Wisdom; The Potential That Lies Within Us

I believe we all possess an intrinsic, yet often hidden source of wisdom, one we have the potential of accessing. Unfortunately, as we become more and more alienated from ourselves, due to the juggling of life’s demands, we seldom pause and learn how to access that wisdom.

Self awareness, and awareness more broadly, are the vehicles that enable us to cultivate the ability to bypass the psychological interpretive schemes, defense mechanisms, adaptive modes of response, and other psychological phenomena that interfere with our innate ability for ego transcendence which moves us to a more authentic mode of being.

Luckily, we all have the ability to take on the challenge of reconnecting with that source, and we live in a time where that task is much needed. Our personal and collective well-being depend on our reconnecting with that source, on living more mindful lives moment by moment, growing with the process, and extending our wisdom outward.

Practices such as mindfulness, deep introspection, facing and integrating our Shadow, and the acquiring of self-knowledge, all contribute to our living with heightened awareness.

Understanding and expecting the inevitable resistance we will experience when undergoing such a process, gives us insight into the workings of the ego. Its rigidity and stubbornness mustn't be confused with its inability to adapt. Through practice and repetition, one is able to cultivate a robust approach and nurture the resilience required for such an endeavor to be fruitful. 

In my experience the ultimate approach, but one that requires a certain level of stability in our lives as a prerequisite, is Shadow work.

Be humble, this is no easy task, but like anything of great significance it is worth the effort.

There is no telling just how deep and wide that source may prove to be.


Ask Again; The Curiosity Needed For Heightened Awareness


6 Daily Questions; Simple Questions To Take Control of Your Day